We will send you an email notifying you of the status of your account for any developments in the verification process. If there are any issues with any of your documents, our compliance team will reach out to you via email and guide you through the process.
You can also check if documents have been requested, as well as their verification status at https://blaze.com/en/account/documents/. The verification process normally takes up to 2 days after all requested documents are submitted.
Note: You will not be able to send documents if they were not requested yet. You will be informed on the website when and how to do this, when we decide to request your documents.
If you have any questions, please contact us through our chat for faster responses. We work 24 hours a day on live support. Chat: https://static.zdassets.com/web_widget/latest/livechat.html?v=10#Key=blazeltd.zendesk.com