Follow the steps below using Google Chrome without VPN, preferably on a computer and incognito mode.
Please, access
If the badge to the right side of your email is green, that means your email has been verified and you don't need to do anything else.
If the badge to the right side of your email is not green, that means your email has not been verified and you need to click on the link that says "Resend Verification Code."
If you have requested for a verification email to be resent, please search your email inbox for an email titled "Confirm your email address." Check your spam and junk folders as well.
Open the email and click the button to verify your email.
If the email did not arrive, wait a few hours to see if the email comes to you. And if it doesn't, let us know in the chat.
Attention: If you created your email after creating the Blaze account, you will not be able to fully use your account until you change your email. Please follow the procedure at