There has likely been a network instability or hardware issue with you, which affects the animation and your ability to respond to it, but does not affect the outcome of the match for anyone other than you. This problem often manifests itself by receiving the "internal server error" message.
The network is unstable for everyone (search for "packet loss" and "network latency"). Its nominal speed is an average and we don't notice when there is a rapid slowdown/lag because it occurs in seconds or milliseconds, but in operations where time is essential (like Crash and the stock market) it becomes obvious.
This type of problem is an implication of the physical nature of any transmissions, it is not something that can be avoided by any company. Take, for example, the brief pauses before or during the playback of an online video, or the several seconds delay in the programming of the same channel that you notice on digital TVs when compared to analogue ones.
-In the case of the Double game, this affects the animations you see but does not affect the outcome of Double matches. The result of your history is the real result.
-In the case of the Crash game, to compensate for this problem, we offer the auto-cashout/automatic withdrawal function. This function means that before the bet begins, you can exit the bet, so any problems that players may have do not affect the result. The auto-withdraw option is given, but activating it is always an option that each player must make. In the first Crash bet, everyone is informed about the auto-withdraw function through a pop-up and is recommended to use and confirm it before closing, exactly to avoid this type of problem.