Attention: If you have used or are trying to use someone else's account or card at Blaze, changing the account's data may may not be the solution you need. Please, visit
Attention: If you want to change the currency of your account, please, visit
If none of the above applies to you, please, sign in to your account and go to You will be able to change your details there.
If you have already made a deposit, you will not be able to change by yourself your name, email, tax ID/CPF or date of birth. If you wish to change that information after making a deposit, fill out the form on the link below and wait for your request to be answered. In a few days, you'll receive an email from our team regarding the change request through the email you will provide in the form.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact our customer support via Live Chat. A customer service representative will be glad to further assist you.